Walking Safaris

Walking Safaris

To walk through the African bush is to experience Africa close-up. Smells are suddenly subtle and varied and every sound has significance.

Walking safaris are the purest form of safari. Walking in Tanzania is completely different to game driving. On foot you are a participant in the world of wildlife rather than a spectator, a thrilling and unbeatable safari experience.

A walking safari is normally designed to fit into your safari schedule, and can be scheduled early in the morning or late afternoon when tropical temperatures are cool. Until recently walking safaris were offered mainly in the Selous Game Reserve and Wildlife Management Areas and restricted to a few National Parks like Gombe Stream

Birds and butterflies are individuals, noticed and studied, not simply rushed past in the race for the bigger game. And when the larger animals appear, they are met at eye level, standing on the same earth. Safety is not an issue - armed, experienced guides and game rangers accompany all walks. Your camp is packed up and transported to the next location by different methods: pick-up truck, porters or donkeys. The camping style tends to be lightweight and extremely mobile. You will walk for several days, travelling like nomads across the African bush often miles from any roads or tracks.

The walks are guided and normally accompanied by an armed ranger. A walking safari is an excellent break from game drives, where visitors will learn some fascinating facts about nature, birds, reptiles, insects and medicinal uses of local plants, which you may not fully appreciate from the seat of your safari car. While the scents and sounds of the African bush are better sensed on foot, it is without doubt an adventure and a thrilling experience especially when the walk extends into wildlife habitats where encounters with freely roaming animals are the norm like in the Selous, Ngorongoro including Ndutu and Tarangire game parks.

Feel, hear and smell Tanzania
Imagine, you walk on the same path as the elephants and other wildlife, you feel the wind through you hair, hear a lion roar in the distance and smell the bush and wildlife. Your senses awaken, as you become part of your environment and the wilderness becomes more real.

Wildlife up close and personal
While animals will generally ignore you in a vehicle, they see you as another type of animal when you are on foot. Getting up close and personal with wildlife is definitely a rush of excitement. Walking is also a great way to appreciate the smaller wildlife, which can't be so easily seen from a vehicle.

Access remote areas on foot
On foot you can walk into remote areas and reach places that a safari car can’t. Once on foot, you are not constrained by roads and can go almost anywhere you like. Away from the crowds, off the beaten track. It offers you a freedom incomparable to any game drive safari.

Pioneer in walking safaris
Wayo Africa is a pioneer in setting up walking safaris, particularly in Serengeti National Park. Only a handful of companies have been granted permission to enter this park on foot. The regulations stipulate that an armed and qualified walking guide from the operating company must accompany all walks. An armed ranger from the National Park will also join every walk.

Serengeti, Tarangire, Ngorongoro
We offer a wide range of walking safari options, so you can tailor your walking safari to be exactly what you want and nothing you don't. These walks are absolutely one of the best and most memorable African experiences on earth!

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