Mount kilimanjaro Best Time to Climb

Mt. Kilimanjaro Weather - When is the Best Time to Climb?

The Mount Kilimanjaro weather affects your climb and your success chances. When to climb Kilimanjaro is an important decision.

Bad weather on Kilimanjaro not only makes for a miserable trek and ruins your photos, most importantly it simply makes the climb twice as hard!

You are a LOT more likely to reach the summit if the weather on Kilimanjaro is good.

Mount Kilimanjaro is near the equator. In the tropics there is no such thing as summer and winter. There are only dry and rainy periods. Or "dry seasons" and "wet seasons".

Climbing Kilimanjaro during the wet season means you have to slog through very deep mud during the first days. At higher altitude you have fog and drizzle, and slowly but surely the moisture will creep into your clothes, your gear, your bones...

Not Recommended

January Warm Medium Low High
February Warm Medium Low High
March Moderate High Medium Low
April Moderate High High Low
May Moderate High High Low
June Cold Medium Medium Medium
July Cold Medium Low High
August Cold Low Low High
September Moderate Low Low High
October Moderate Low Medium Medium
November Moderate High Medium Low
December Moderate Medium Medium Medium

Some climbers prefer to summit during a full moon.

When the peak of Kilimanjaro and magnificent glaciers are lit up by the full moon, the view is absolutely stunning. For this reason alone, some climbers schedule their trek to coincide with this celestial event, occuring once a month. However, a practical reason for climbing at these times is that a bright moon along with a clear sky will improve your visibility throughout your climb, and most importantly, during the summit attempt.
Below are full moon dates:

January 23 12 2, 31 21
February 22 11 --- 19
March 23 12 2, 31 21
April 22 11 30 19
May 22 11 29 19
June 20 9 28 17
July 19 9 27 17
August 18 7 26 15
September 16 6 25 14
October 15 5 24 14
November 14 4 23 12
December 13 3 22 12

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