


60 Years Union Celebration (TANZANIA) at Arusha City hospital. Date: 26/04/2024

These include 60 Years Union Celebration of Tanganyika and Zanzibar ( TANZANIA ) with the arrival of several Political, institutional leaders and health issues stakeholders under the supervision of Arusha City District Commissioner Hon. Felician Mtahengera as the delegation of Arusha Regional Commissioner. Visitors participated in several health issues including Blood donation, health consultationa dn environmental keeping (Trees planting and general cleanliness) around Arusha City Hospital surrounding

Arrival of Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau ( PCCB ) Arusha Office Staffs at Arusha City Hospital. Date: 04/02/2024

This was a nice moment to welcome PCCB Team Workers at Arusha City Hospital who showed a sign of appreciation on what Arusha City Hospital provides especially on the Health services provision aspects to the society. An event went fine with the corresponding task of Trees planting as a symbol of Unity and Cooperation.

Health Staffs Morning Report at Arusha City Hospital. Date : 26/02/2023

This is a periodic Staff Meeting which is conducted four times a Week among the Arusha Hospital Staffs who discuss on several reported healh cases and scenarios with their suitable solutions. This is always used as the best Health problems space to share ideas for solving different faced challenges

Medical Officer In-Charge ( Dr. Salma Kitara) in the intensive Inspection of On-going OPD Complex Construction. Date : 19 /02/2023

Medical Officer In-Charge, Dr. Salma Kitara in the intensive Inspection of On-going OPD Complex Construction so as to ensure the high quality Project for the better imporvement of Visions of Arusha City Hospital for better provision of Health Services to the patients. The Project is going well and We expect to see the best working infrastructures for our health specialist to attain their missions to the patients

Arusha Regional Commissioner, Hon. John Mongella in the Intensive Inspection of On-going OPD Complex Construction at Arusha City Hospital. Date : 18/10/2023

On 18 October, 2023 Arusha Regional Commissioner, Hon. John Mongella arrived at Arusha City Hospital as the one of Intensive Inspection of On-going Out-Patient (OPD) Complex at Arusha City Hospital which aimed at providing the Out Patient (OPD) for the best Health Service to the patients. Actually, the Project is going well and the Vision of Arusha City Hospital on providing the health services from their available Sepcialists can be well achieved on time.

Blood Donation, around Arusha City District Office. Date : 27/01/2024

This Event Occured arround the Arusha City District Office taken by our own medical specialists in the matters of Blood Donation. Our Team of Health Specialists did a great task of both blood transfusions from the people who attended as well as other medical diagnosis and treatments tasks including Nutrition education provision to the patients and other visitors so as to make sure the society is well protected against easy possible prevented in the daily environments. The Main concept of an event was a Blood Donation with the aim of increasing our Blood Bank stock at Arusha City Hospital with an intention of being used for other emergency issues that persist at our hospital. The cases of our daily patients, therefore our Medical experts can do their activities in a smooth way.

Food Demonstration at RCH department in Arusha City Hospital.

This was a Food demonstration conducted by Nutrition department which aimed at demonstranting on various Food/ Meals better for Children especially for good health. The demonstration was carried out very well by our very own food specialists at Arusha City Hospital.

Health Training Seminar at Tanzania Atomic Energy Commision (TAEC) Njiro, Arusha. Date : 17/12/2023

This a Health Training Seminar conducted at Tanzania Atomic Energy Commision (TAEC) Hall, at Njiro, Arusha with the aim of providing health consultation to the society on several health related issues by using our very owned Health experts from Arusha City Hospital. Seminar was well carried out at Tanzania Atomic Energy Commision and the main objectives of our Team was well attained whereby the visitors of seminar got a reasonable education and consultation from Arusha City Hospital Medical experts since then it resulted into the increase of patients to Arusha City Hospital not only on the issues of getting medical diagnosis and treatment as well as on the issues of consultation related in various health aspects such as ways of avoiding the communicable diseases, physiotherapy issues as well as nutrition matters all of them comprising the vital health requirements of human being.

Health Consultation Seminar at VETA. Njiro, Arusha. Date : 14/11/2023

Seminar was well carried out at VETA and the main objectives of our Team was well attained whereby the visitors of seminar got a reasonable education and consultation from Arusha City Hospital Medical experts since then it resulted into the increase of patients to Arusha City Hospital. Our Team of Health Specialists did a great task of both blood transfusions from the people who attended as well as other medical diagnosis and treatments tasks including Nutrition education provision to the patients and other visitors so as to make sure the society is well protected against easy possible prevented in the daily environments. The Main concept of an event was a Blood Donation with the aim of increasing our Blood Bank stock at Arusha City Hospital with an intention of being used for other emergency issues that persist at our hospital. The cases of our daily patients, therefore our Medical experts can do their activities

Food Demonstration and Education at TBC Arusha Radio. date: 07/12/2023

This was an event prepared by TBC Arusha Radio by Hosting Nutrition Specialist from Arusha City Hospital aimed at providing Food Education to the society. Actually, Society benefited on the training done through TBC Arusha radio on several Food health aspects.

Arrival of TUGHE Chief Secretary at Arusha City Hospital, Date : 20/10/2023

This was a nice time to have a fantastic meeting with TUGHE Chief Secretary at National Level. Hon. insisted on the importance of unity and transparency among the health workers in the office for the best outcomes while providing the services to the patients. Also, Hon. Secretary addressed on several problems faced by the Health experts including on the issues of Staff Unions, working environments challenges as well as incentives among the workers so as to encourage the passion of daily provision of health services to the patients who attend to Arusha City Hospital.

Health SME Training among Staffs at Arusha City Hospital. Date : 04/09/2023

This is a periodic Health training and reminder for Arusha City Hospital in themselves about several health aspects. It is normally conducted on each Wednesday a week. The main aim of this training of SME among the Arusha City Hospital staffs including the issue of education provision to the staffs in themselves, sharing medical ideas as well as solving the different challenges by making a critical problem solving techniques in the society. Nice work Team!!

Arusha City Hospital Medical In-Charge, Dr. SALMA KITARA Meeting with Staffs. Date : 30/09/2023

This is a periodic Meeting done at Arusha City Hospital always led by Medical In-Charge as a Chairperson emphasizing on several improvements to be done in the hospital for the best service provision to the patients who attend at Arusha City Hospital

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