
Delivery Service

Delivery Service

DELIVERY SERVICE in Arusha City Hospital was first established on May, 2021 to the patients who came for Medical Treatments. A service is well provided to the patients by using our very own esteemed Medical specialists under the highest level of expertise. Arusha City Hospital offers the Delivery Services under the highest level of expertise to the patients who are required to be well treated. Including the Delivery related services on several departments such as Nutrition department, Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Department with their related Information as analyzed below;


In Labour Ward Department, there are several Labour related services such including the following;

  • Pregnancy Medical Consultation
  • Labour Ward support services
  • Both Pre and Post Natal Medical services

Among the statistics on Labour Ward related services offered at Arusha City Hospital including the following;

Department / Year
2021 (Patients)
2022 (Patients)
2023 (Patients)
2024 (Patients)
Ante Natal (ANC) 1483 3831 3881 964
Out-Patient (OPD) 9887 20828 29016 7859
Labour 174 1148 1653 410

Arusha City Hospital offers Labour Ward services to both PRE-NATAL and POST-NATAL patients, under the highest level of expertise from our very own specialists. These include to those who come to Arusha City Hospital as well as to those under Arusha City Council Health Centers. All of these Pregnancy Nutrition related services are provided so as to make sure that the patients on the labour cases are well carried out under the highest level of expertise

Labour Ward services at Arusha City Hospital consists of several inventories and some resources through which our very esteemed health specialists tend to use in their daily Institutional tasks and responsibilities including the following;

  • 20+ Nurses, including Nursing Experts and other supporting Staffs in the Institution so as to enhance the provision of health services to the patients
  • 10+ Doctors including Medical Experts and supporting infrastructures for ensuring the better provision of health services to the patients who attend at Arusha City Hospital for treatment
  • 150+ Furnitures Including those used by our very esteemed Medical experts in regarding to the provision of health service in the hospital
  • 24/7 Hours Service. In Arusha City Hospital, the health service is provided about 24/7 Hours by our very esteemed Medical experts to the patients
  • Good Customer Care including from our Medical experts, consultants as well as other customer support related departments in Arusha City Hospital
  • High Security Facilities, including the security manner from the entrance section of our hospital to the inner rooms and subsection of Arusha City Hospital for better service provision to the patients who attend for Medical Treatment


In Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Department, there are several Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) related services such including the following;

  • Reproductive and Child Health consultation
  • Family Planning consultation
  • Both Pre and Post Natal Medical RCH services

Among the statistics on Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) services to Pregnancy Nutrition related services offered at Arusha City Hospital including the following;

Department / Year
2021 (Patients)
2022 (Patients)
2023 (Patients)
2024 (Patients)
Ante Natal (ANC) 1483 3831 3881 964
Out-Patient (OPD) 9887 20828 29016 7859
Labour 174 1148 1653 410

Arusha City Hospital offers Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) services to both PRE-NATAL and POST-NATAL patients, under the highest level of expertise from our very own specialists. These include to those who come to Arusha City Hospital as well as to those under Arusha City Council Health Centers. All of these Pregnancy Nutrition related services are provided so as to make sure that the patients on the labour cases are well carried out under the highest level of expertise


In Pregnancy Nutrition Department, there are several Pregnancy Nutrition related services such including the following;

  • Medical Usage
  • Best Life Style
  • Pregnancy Nutrition

Among the statistics on Pregnancy Nutrition services to Pregnancy Nutrition related services offered at Arusha City Hospital including the following;

2021 (Patients)
2022 (Patients)
2023 (Patients)
2024 (Patients)
January 23 12 2, 31 21
February 22 11 --- 19
March 23 12 2, 31 21
April 22 11 30 19
May 22 11 29 19
June 20 9 28 17
July 19 9 27 17
August 18 7 26 15
September 16 6 25 14
October 15 5 24 14
November 14 4 23 12
December 13 3 22 12

Arusha City Hospital offers Pregnancy Nutrition related services to both PRE-NATAL and POST-NATAL patients, under the highest level of expertise from our very own specialists. These include to those who come to Arusha City Hospital as well as to those under Arusha City Council Health Centers. All of these Pregnancy Nutrition related services are provided so as to make sure that the patients on the labour cases are well carried out under the highest level of expertise

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