Read Now, what the Holy Quran teaches us and what We are supposed to act in our society

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The Holy Quran

This comprises of all the holy words from the Quran and teaching how we are supposed to live as what Allah intended us to live

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Shaaban Chapter

This comprises of all the holy words from the Shaaban Chapter of the Holy Quran and teaching how we are supposed to live as what Allah intended us to live

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Arafat Chapter

This comprises of all the holy words from Arafat chatper of the Holy Quran and teaching how we are supposed to live as what Allah intended us to live

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Salum Chapter

This comprises of all the holy words from Salum chapter of the Holy Quran and teaching how we are supposed to live as what Allah intended us to live

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Abdul Chapter

This comprises of all the holy words from Salum chapter of the Holy Quran and teaching how we are supposed to live as what Allah intended us to live

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Mohamed Chapter

This comprises of all the holy words from Salum chapter of the Holy Quran and teaching how we are supposed to live as what Allah intended us to live

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Quran Calendar

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Quran Quotes