Get an Access of reading the Holy Bible

Read both Old Testimonies and New Testimonies Now. In a very easy mode of access

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Old Testimony

What the Holy Bible teaches us, to live and get a life direction by reading how the old Testimony say

New Testimony

We are responsible to get message from the holy biblical new testimony where we are going and where we came from.

About Us

This is an engineered application to enable people on reading the holy Bible in the easiest way of learning what the holy words teaches us. User can get a free access of reading the holy Bible wherever they are.

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Old Testimony

This comprises of all the holy words from the old Biblical Testimony that a user can get an access of reading

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New Testimony

This comprises of all the holy words from the New Biblical Testimony that a user can get an access of reading

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The Holy Bible

This comprises of the holy words from the whole Holy Bible that user can get an access of reading through a platform

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Read a Summarized Attractive Biblical Story

Attractive Story

See that a wise woman who fetched some water, then she met Jesus Christ where the true help from that wise woman appeared apparently

Biblical Calendar

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Biblical Quotes