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A registered Private Company aimed at satisfying their customer's needs
Our Services meet the customer's thirsty of being treated fair.

Our Services

The objects of the company consist : To deal with the designing and development of website applications and mobile applications for third party uses (Customer’s uses), To deal with EFD Machines maintenance, To deal with Network configurations (LAN) and other network peripheral infrastructures, To deal with cryptographic ciphers coding, Encryption and decryption security basis including One Time Part (OTP), RSA Algorithms, Diffie Hellman, Hill Ciphers, Caesar cipher and other security based cryptographic ciphers, To deal with ethical hacking techniques with the aim of maintaining security against black hat hackers to the customers so as to avoid extra negative impacts, To deal with installation and maintenance of GPRS System and car tracking services, To deal with IT equipment supply including Laptops, printers, Scanners and other peripheral devices, To participate in digital forensic services such as those which relate with digital evidences in criminal cases, To deal with installation, maintenance and repair of the security systems Alarms, To deal with biometric infrastructures installation, maintenance and repair including face recognition, fingerprints, digital signatures and sound based biometrics techniques, To deal with installation, maintenance and repair of CCTV Camera services to the customers and To deal with designing and management of advanced business posters and fliers

Website and Mobile Apps Development

Most of our customers enjoy the same service

120+ Customers
GPRS Systems Installation

A service which is done effectively

70+ Customers
Digital Forensic

Most of judiciary staffs acquire for our service

55+ Customers
CCTV and Alarms Systems Installation

Drivers and security staffs use the same service from us

40+ Customers
Biometric Technologies

Bankers and other financial institutions enjoy the same service from us

220+ Customers
Ethical Hacking

Security analyzers acquire this service from us at a high consistency

25+ Customers

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Our Stakeholders

We collaborate with millions of our business stakeholders around the world. Welcome to join us



TPB Bank

Financial Analyst

Farmer's Banks

Head of Association

Loans Providers

Loan offixer